Lingua e integração, um texto indispensavel:
Viver na Finlandia sem falar a lingua?
Um cheirinho:
"There are quite a few immigrants who have lived in Finland for many years without learning the language of the host community (i.e. Finnish or Swedish). This is particularly true of English speakers - either native speakers or others with a good command of English.
These immigrants survive by narrowing their cultural and social horizons. In effect they live in an expatriate bubble populated by other foreigners and a few Finnish people with the necessary linguistic and cultural skills(...)"
Parafraseando um comentador, o texto deveria ser distribuido a todos os emigrantes que aterram em Vantaa...
Recomenda-se a leitura do tópico.
Posted by aNtonio to :.: LusoFin :.: o blog at 3/02/2006 11:12:36 AM quinta-feira, março 02, 2006
Outras Ligações: Mouro na Costa (em português e inglês), Mauri Rannikolla (suomeksi), António Dias (In English, sort of)