Blogue de Comentários do LusoFin

[:.: LusoFin :.:] 10/07/2006 05:03:36 PM

We just have to know what he defines as "advanced social activities". We know that Finns realise themselves they don't like company much, that they're better off alone--one theory says that's one of the rationales to develop cell phones in this country. :D

The proto-nazi Prof. Nesselius suggested in 1708-1711 a genocide of the Finns. Probably he meant getting rid of the 172 that existed at that time! :)

This does not surprise me. Still in the beginning of the XX century Finns were depicted as "mongoloids" (not only "mongolic") in official swedish school books...

... and for some reason Swedish-speaking Finns are considered (even by some "Finnish Finns") as "bätra folke" [bétra fôlka]--""better people"--instead of "Finns".

Posted by The Historian to :.: LusoFin :.: at 10/07/2006 05:03:36 PM

sábado, outubro 07, 2006

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